Thursday, November 22, 2001

Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein: Antiquities Authority must resume oversight of Temple Mount

Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein: Antiquities Authority must resume
oversight of Temple Mount

By Nadav Shragai Ha'aretz 22 November 2001

Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein recently recommended that the
Antiquities Authority's supervision over work carried out on the Temple
Mount be reinstated.

Ever since the start of the intifada last October, the Waqf (Muslim
religious trust) has blocked the Antiquities Authority from unofficially
supervising the holy site, known as Haram al-Sharif to Muslims, as it has
done since the end of the Six-Day War.

Rubinstein also expressed his concern that the current ban prohibiting Jews
and members of all other faiths except for Islam from entering the Mount
would remain in place for an extended period of time. This ban has also been
in place since last fall and former prime minister Ehud Barak and his
successor Ariel Sharon have both rejected the recommendations of security
experts to allow Jews back on the mount.